Prof Dhiraj Tripathi


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Clinical Director ID & I


Dhiraj Tripathi is a Consultant Hepatologist at UHB and Honorary Professor at the University of Birmingham. He is Deputy Clinical Director of Research for UHB. He plays a key role in managing the large research portfolio of UHB. He co-chairs the Research Facilitation Group (RFG) meetings and has played a leading role in the management of the extensive COVID-19 portfolio.

Dhiraj graduated from the University of Edinburgh and also received postgraduate training in Edinburgh. He has particular interest in liver transplantation, portal hypertension and vascular liver disease. He is Chief Investigator of NIHR portfolio studies on complications of cirrhosis, and is lead of the British Association for the Study of Liver Special Interest Group in Portal Hypertension.

As a member of the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) Liver Section, Dhiraj is guidelines lead and is lead author of national guidelines related to portal hypertension and liver transplantation. He is also a member of the NICE Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee, and has been directly involved with more than 100 NICE guidelines. Dhiraj was recently elected to the Council of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

Phone number

0121 371 4672
